Due date: 

December 5th, 2024 

Passing Score = 15 points

Step 4: Reflect

Directions: Reflect on what you have learned about equity-driven leadership throughout Leadership Cycle 1 in Steps 1–3. Respond to the following prompts using Part D: Reflective Narrative. Focus on your leadership capacity to analyze data and propose school improvement strategies related to the California state indicator and identified student group. You have two options for responding: either

• in a written narrative using the Part D: Reflective Narrative Template provided or

• in a video recording in which you verbally respond to each prompt.

Step 4: Reflect Template v7


Step 4: Reflect Expanded Template

CalAPA_C1_S4_Expanded Template

Tip: Be humble and identify your own learning. Think: Here's what I learned and here's how I plan to get better. 

Tip: Think like a principal, not like a teacher. 

Step 4 Rubrics

Step 4 What to submit

Step 4 Samples

   Sample #1    SCOE Elementary School (v6)

Total Score = 27

CalAPA Cycle 1 Step 4.pdf

  Sample #2   SCOE Middle School (v4)

Copy of CalAPA_C1_S4_D_ReflectiveNarrative.pdf

   Sample #3      SCOE Elementary School (v5)

Total Score = 28


   Sample #4  SCOE High School (v5)

Total Score = 26

Cycle1_S4_D_ReflectiveNarrative (1).pdf

   Sample #5   SCOE Charter School (v5)

Total Score = 27

Pearson CalAPA_C1_S4_D_ReflectiveNarrative.docx (3).pdf

   Sample #6   SCOE Charter School (v5)

PDF CalAPA_C1_S4_D_ReflectiveNarrative.pdf