Due date: 

December 5th, 2024 

Passing Score = 15 points

This Cycle is about ANALYZING DATA to promote EQUITY.

Key terms to know from the CalAPA Glossary

Equity-driven leadership: An equity-driven leader must have the ability to (1) conceptualize schools as complex organizations composed of a network of dynamic and interdependent thinking components, (2) pursue school change and improvement through systemic change and capacity building, and (3) create and articulate a shared vision of a school as a place where all students are fully engaged, inspired, and empowered, and their voices are heard. 

Equity gap analysis: The process of identifying discrepancies between resource allocations and outcomes for previously identified underserved students specified in school site/district improvement plans and actual performance in relation to those measures. Results of an equity gap analysis may show, for example, a lack of monitoring for effectiveness; that data are incomplete or insufficient, and require more qualitative data such as student shadowing; or identification of additional underserved student groups. 

Start Here

CalAPA Vocabulary 2024 Cycle 1.pdf
CalAPA Cycle 1_2024-2025.pdf
CalAPA Cycle 1 To-Do List

Tip: Start early! Some tasks require more time than others.

Tip: Start/join your own CalAPA study group. You can help each other with staying on target and answering questions. It can also be helpful to read each other's work. 

Tip: "All personally identifiable information (e.g., last names) must be redacted on any evidence you submit." Think of a pseudonym for your school/district. Refer to staff by initials (ie Ms. H, Mr. Q, etc)